It is declared along with Nokia X Mobile and Nokia XL Mobile at MWC after a much rumored about Nokia experimenting on smartphone with customized android. After all rumor become true when not one but 3 different phone announced powering with android os at MWC. But it has little delay in release.
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Nokia X+ Design
Nokia X+ Phone much look like Nokia X Design, and also it seem like Lumia from Nokia. As Nokia X, Nokia X+ also comes with many color like red, green, blue etc. It is same in size of Nokia X.
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Nokia X+ Technical Features
- 2G and 3G network connectivity, no LTE
- Dual SIM (optional)
- Android OS v4.1.2 Jelly Bean
- 1500 mAh battery, up to 408 hour stand by
This phone features are much similar to Nokia X specification and features but only eye catching difference is little more in RAM noting else.
ALSO SEE: Comparison Between Nokia Android Phones – Nokia X vs Nokia X+ vs Nokia XL
Nokia X+ Specifications